What is the process to reserve Museum on Wheels?
To secure a box, click on the "Book your Museum on Wheels" button located above. Navigate through the calendar to the Monday you prefer for delivery and check its availability. Choose the content area you wish to reserve and click "Book Now." Fill out the online form to complete your reservation.
What is the cost to reserve a Museum on Wheels?
Reservations and delivery are free for CCSD middle schools.
What does Museum on Wheels include?
The contents of a Museum on Wheels vary based on the chosen content area. Each set of wheels comes with a teacher handbook with master copies of worksheets, inventory lists, hard copies or PowerPoints, and the lesson plans. The contents may also include books, visual aids, tactile artifacts, and a variety of other items related to the content area.
How do I utilize a Museum on Wheels?
The approach is flexible and tailored to your curriculum. While the Museum on Wheels aligns with certain Nevada Academic Content Standards for visual arts and social sciences, their primary purpose is to supplement your instruction. You have the option to follow the provided lessons or utilize the resources and objects to directly demonstrate the concepts your students are studying.
How long is a reservation of a Museum on Wheels?
You will keep the Museum on Wheels for 12 days. A professional delivery service will drop the wheels off on the first Monday of your reservation and pick up the box on the second Friday of your reservation.
What is the scheduled pick-up time for the Museum on Wheels?
Museum on Wheels will be picked up on the last day of your 12-day booking. Wheels will always be picked up on a Friday. Please have the Museum on Wheels repacked and ready for pick-up in your front office before Friday morning. You will receive an email reminder before the delivery service comes to pick up the wheels.
Where can I submit feedback about my experience using Museum on Wheels?
Feedback and questions can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A digital survey will be emailed to you after your reservation ends.
Questions and information requests can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Museum on Wheels is sponsored by MGM Resorts Foundation and Clark County Outside Agency Grant (OAG)